Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lumberjack Rogues Huh?

After reading Chase Christian’s Encrypted Text column, I have to say there are far larger ramifications for one handed melee classes.

Look, I think axes are great, but as a pally dorf chick, they just seem a little sleek for me. I have always been disappointed in the lack of tanking maces, and in my opinion, tanks should have a good mace. They are head bashing and brutal, none of this slice and dice shit like rogues do. They unforgiving and face smashing, and what better way to return the favor of getting your faced smashed in than with a little quid pro quo?

Axes look good on shaman, they look good on deathknights, they look good on hunters and as far as rogues using an ax, well, I tend to agree with GC when he says they are likely to “pick up anything in a fight.” They are sneaky resourceful bastards who would shank you in the big house if you didn’t let them call you Sally and dress you pretty.

So now axes are a pretty inarguable DPS weapon. This leaves swords and maces as the other 1 handers of choice. Maces and swords will remain healing and dps weapons respectively, but they are also the tanking weapons. Paladins feel more true to lore when swinging a mighty mace and slamming their holy shield into the face of foes. Swords are great, and I have no doubt there will continue to be tanking swords at every corner, but I am hoping that the fallout from the ax change leaves more maces with tanking stats for all the paladins out there.


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