Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Staying the Night at the Hunting Lodge

I recently sent Brigwyn of the Hunting Lodge an email after listening to him on the podcast. I hit on the hinted overhaul by GC in the hunter Q&A and reached for a little more in the 3.2 patch notes.

Like I alluded to in the email, I think separate trap cooldowns is a step in a direction similar to the rune system of death knights.

I never really considered the runic dumps, and Brigwyn actually came up with a much more sophisticated system than I would have even imagined.

Shots could work like runes, and sticking with the simplicity of the patch notes, hunters would have frost, fire, and nature shots. 6 feels too much like a death knight, but 9 feels like way too many. Depending on the overall cost of the shots, 9 might be an appropriate number.

The runic power bar would be replaced with ammo. The ammo slot on a hunter would then be replaced with a clip or quiver with a certain capacity. The iLvl of a clip would mean more shots in the gun before you would have to reload.

Taking a hunter out of combat for a reload would be similar to a mage who drops valuable seconds of DPS for an evocation. There isn’t a mage alive that likes to have to evocate, but if he wants mana he knows he has to while his diabolical superior, the warlock, can keep casting to his little black heart’s content.

I am excited about the hunter resource news that has been hinted for BlizzCon, and hope it’s as good as the ideas that Briwyn’s been tossing around lately.



  1. This intrigues me. I would really like some major overhaul to bring me back to my hunter. But truthfully with the nerf to BM I just don't like the feel of being a ranged caster. I miss the managing of my pet, while dps'ing.

    As it is I am really enjoying the mini-game of whack-a-mole that is healing.

    Oh and I don't remember when I lase did a oops and wiped a raid as a healer. Something I did almost weekly as a hunter.

  2. Have you tried survivalist?

    I am a die hard BM guy because my hunter was always my get away from WoW drama and play the game in piece and quiet, but I have tried survivalist now in 5 mans and it is amazingly fun. All the shots and a real rotation give the hunter a complexity that BM just doesn’t have. It would be great if my pet could hold aggro a little better because I would play survivalist for solo play if that were the case.
