Thursday, May 7, 2009

Huntard of the Day

Last night I hopped on the hunter to level a bit and see what I could do. I joined LFG for UK, Nex, and AN, and got a whisper for Nexus.

I immediately accepted the invite because I was dying to get the Drakonid Arm Blade since I already had the other half of the pair from UK. We make it all the way to Ormorok and I know that if the weapon drops that I get to have it since there isn’t another player in the group that can even equip it. We down the boss, and guess what? That’s right bitches, it dropped! I am in a pug, and want everyone to know that I am needing it, so I tell the party that I am going to need it and immediately get a couple “grats man” and then guess what the fuck I did? I hit the pass button instead of the need one. I was so pissed. I had gotten lucky and gotten a drop I wanted out of a place that is notorious for punishing me. The leather caster belt took me 9 times to get when leveling the druid, and now not only did I get the drop, but I had no other people rolling against me for it. I nominated my self for Huntard of the Day in guild chat and the motion was immediately seconded, and I was crowned!


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