I, of course have to agree, so I will share the top 10 reasons why dorf girlz do, in fact, rule.
10. We will never be accused of being the victim of some Karen Carpenter eating disorder. You can take us to dinner and know we are ordering more than some honey mint tea, which by the way is more than can be said for all the other ladies in the alliance. Conversely, if you are actually going to pay for dinner, we might suggest a buffet so you can save your gold for your epic flying skill.
9. You aren’t going to find us mailbox dancing like the ridiculous Night Elves, Draenei, and Humans. We only do it once and its so humbling to walk away with a couple copper after a hard nights work that we never do it again.
8. Gnomes may boast to perfecting the /kneel and /nod, but really, when they kneel, aren’t you going to think its kick off time for the super bowl?
7. We don’t have nearly as much facial hair as the Tauren ladies
6. Unless you're Miss Piggy with some Freudian Kermit the Frog obsession, green just ain’t for most of us. Sorry orcs.
5. Do you really want to have to tell your friends you are dating a troll? The conversation would probably be a who’s on first gone terribly bad
“So ya, I’m dating a troll”
“What? Why would you call your girlfriend a troll?”
“No, she’s not ugly, she’s actually a troll.”
“That’s so wrong you might as well tell people you are dating Hillary Clinton.”
4. You will never confuse us with David Bowie, or the androgynous males of our race, and do you really want to date some girl with a magic addiction problem? It's going to take months of watching Dr. Drew for closure when you do finally dump that Blood Elf.
3. The forsaken may like a man with a little meat on his bones, but that’s only so it’s easier to prepare dinner.
2. Our stonemasons have proven that we are, obviously, good with our hands.
1. Our racial “stoneform” breaks all bleed effects, and until Blizzard nerfs it in 3.1, will make us immune for 8 seconds. Now go look in the mirror, be honest with yourself, and don’t pretend like you need any longer than that.
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